In-Country Value
(ICV) Certification
ICV certification is a process to certify supplier or contractor ICV score by the independent pre-approved ICV.
Yasser Haikal Auditing & Accounting has been appointed as ICV Certifier for ICV Program Implementation by Tawteen and QP

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Why Should I obtain ICV Certificate?
ICV Certificate enhances your business opportunities with Energy Sector as a supplier or service provider.
All Bidders shall submit their ICV certificates in tenders & procurement process with Energy Sector
Provide local businesses with more opportunities to participate in business activities with the participating entities.
ICV certificate will play a major role in commercial evaluation for tenders to determine the winning bidder

1. General & Detailed Verification for ICV Scorecard Template.
2. Review & sampling Request.
3. Audit the samples and doubts clarifications
4. Drafting the report and discuss it with clients” Suppliers”
5. Final Report & Issue ICV Certificate